
Vjadams, a man of many talents.. in one word call him The Renaissance Man..he knows exactly what he wants and there’s no stopping him.. he’s quite stubborn in achieving his dreams but flexible in the methods he adapts.. he’s the man of the people as he’s been looked up to
by many.
Vjadams, a man of integrity..he’s a man of his words and has won many awards
in appreciation of his spectacular art of presenting and more importantly a
role model for both the young and old..
Further more He’s about to launch his second denim collection “Drip”
following the success of his denim shirt line “Embruto by VJ ADAMS ” to
re emphasize his passion and love for African contemporary fashion.
Haven made success on tv he’s gone ahead to carry on his uncanny
legacy on radio and has further shown his competence in music
from executive producer role to rapper extraordinaire..
Vjadams took things a notch higher by making his debut on the
big screens casted as the lead character in a blockbuster movie
Oap.Vjadams loved by many but respected by all
His drive to fulfil his potential as an entertainer is inspiring for
anyone who’s willing to defy the odds and do things differently..
Vjadams..Video jockey,Tv presenter Rapper,actor,fashion
entrepreneur,MC,Radio host.